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Step 3: Implementing your plan

Key tasks

  • Implement priority actions to support gender equality

Helpful tools

Women leaving rugby field after a game.

The annual cycle

Make time annually to look back over the year and assess your progress against your long-term strategy. This review will help you identify key actions to include in your immediate action plan for the coming year. 

Collecting data and assessing progress towards attitudes, structures and norms evolves slowly over time. Each individual, team and area of your organisation will go through different stages of change, so regular monitoring and reflecting will help make sure your actions are appropriate to support sustained change.   

Part 2 of this Implementation guide outlines the data you may want to collect to check your progress against each of the Standards. At a minimum, you should collect data every year to map your progress against the Gender Equality Indicators, regularly complete the Self-Assessment Tool and consult staff to highlight areas that need attention.  

Reflect, recognise achievements and learn from experience

Before revising your action plan it’s important to pause and recognise progress. Celebrating and communicating the gains you’ve made will build support for further work and promote similar action in other departments or parts of the organisation. Reflecting on what has worked and what has not will support the formulation of more effective actions and support change in the long term. Sharing your experience with others, within and outside of your workplace, will help to foster new ideas and approaches to challenges. You can see examples of this work in other sporting organisations under ‘examples in sport’. 

Next step

Examples of this work in sport